Carpet Cleaning Products to Have on Hand this Winter

Household carpet cleaning products

household carpet cleaning productsSo you just had your carpet cleaned, eh? Getting ready to greet your guests and visitors this coming holidays, eh? Well, after having your carpet serviced, you of course need to make sure that they stay that way. After all, you just spent hundreds of dollars on carpet cleaning services, and surely you don’t want to double your expenses by having it done again. Thus, to help you out, here is a list of handy things that will help you deal with any winter carpet problems.

All-purpose Cleaners

There are dedicated carpet and floor cleaners out in the market, but if you don’t like using them, or simply cannot find one in your local grocery store, then all-around multipurpose cleaners should do the trick. Be careful though, since there are all-purpose cleaners that contain bleach and other harmful chemicals that may damage your carpet.


Carpet disinfectants are very important since this is that time of the year when you get the most foot traffic on your carpet. Applying disinfectants is usually done by professional carpet cleaning services companies, but you can sometimes get such disinfectants from hardware and cleaning stores. Applying disinfectants on your carpets will ensure that it is clean and free from any germs and bacteria that can harm your family’s health.

Spot Cleaners

During Christmas dinners, stains are bound to be one of your biggest enemies. To deal with stains, you need to have some stain removers or spot cleaners in your cabinet. These are very easy to use and apply, and can save you a whole lot of headache.

Odor Remover

What’s the point of having a clean carpet when it stinks anyway, right? So, it is also a good idea for you to have some odor remover at hand this winter season. This is especially true since it is very likely that your carpet is bound to get wet from all the snow outside which you and your guests bring in every time you enter. And we all know how a wet, undried carpet smells like, don’t we? And if you happen to have pets in the house, well, we know what happens, right? So be sure to have a bottle of carpet deodorant on hand, so your carpet does not only look clean and fresh but also smells like it.

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